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Distance Learning at the LFM

This page serves to show the diversity of pedagogical practices implemented at the Lycée Français de Manila during the confinement. In middle school or high school, children are more autonomous and parents sometimes find it difficult to evaluate what they are doing exactly. You will only find an overview here as the technical means do not allow to give a true appreciation of what is done on a day-to-day basis both by your children and by the teaching team. 
Several supports are used by the teachers depending on their discipline and the pedagogical objectives targeted according to the age of the children. 


It also demonstrates the high level of competence of teachers in mobilizing a wide range of resources for learning. Distance education cannot be reduced to videos or written exercises. You will discover the entire pedagogical architecture implemented both in the preparation of content (reflection on the object studied, teaching aids to be built) and in the concrete performance of the task by the student or its formative evaluation.


Get into the core of distance pedagogy by discipline and access directly to the content described as if you were in class.


Educational continuity Primary
info enseign dist.PNG

To accompany our students and their parents in distance learning, the LFM has produced this guide where you will find practical advice to make this new organisation run as smoothly as possible.

Educational continuity Secondary

Access to lessons or homework is still via Pronote but we use other complementary media.




Relations between men and women in Antiquity.

June 26, 2020


Over the last few weeks, the Latinists of 2de and 1ère have been working on the 3rd theme of their programme, "Male and Female", which explores the relations between men and women in Antiquity.
After working on and commenting on Ovid's texts such as the legend of Baucis and Philemon, Penelope's letter to Ulysses from the Heroes, or the theatrical texts of Plautus and Terence, the students each chose to specialize in a more particular subject to flesh out their Latinist portfolio. 
This portfolio, which will be presented during the oral examination for the baccalaureate, is a dossier produced by the students throughout the year based on themes of civilization: it compares an ancient document (text or image) with a modern document (French or foreign) each time to underline the importance of the heritage and influences from Antiquity to the present day.
Among these works, you can discover today "Les femmes philosophes" by Kalma JOEBHAAR, "La place des femmes dans la société" by Romane GIRARD and "Les Amazones" by Jacques CAPOT



SVT (Life and Earth Sciences)

Biological Diversity Day!

May 22, 2020


The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated each year on the 22nd of May, the date of the adoption of the text of the Convention on biological diversity.
By clicking on the link below you will find several interesting articles from the United Nations, including the link between Covid 19 and the destruction of biodiversity ...

Brut Nature also offers a very interesting video on the effect of containment on biodiversity. Nature taking back its rights during containment: is it true or not? The reality is more complex than that... 

As part of the chapter on the evolution of species and ecosystems in the Life and Earth Sciences (LES), the third group illustrated the interactions between certain species found in Filipino ecosystems. The instructions left room for imagination and choice of production. Here are a few drawings:



HLP (Humanities, Literature and Philosophy)

HLP-Literature work

May 21, 2020


Students in the Humanities, Literature and Philosophy speciality are working remotely on one of the last points of their curriculum, namely "Representations of the World: Describing, Representing and Imagining". 
More specifically, for the past two weeks, these four Year 11 students have been working on writing and putting into images utopias and dystopias. From Plato's myth of Atlantis to Thomas More's community dreams, from the Garden of Eden to Alex Garland's beach, and including the great classics of the genre, such as George Orwell's 1984, they have been able to confront different projections and representations of the world.
Studies of texts were mixed with studies of short film extracts, allowing a crossroads of views: Margaret Atwood's The Scarlet Maid thus found herself alongside other cult films of dystopian science fiction, such as Blade Runner 2049 or Welcome to Gattaca.
Find here an example of a document that the students worked on :



The study of automated systems.

May 20, 2020


In 3ème : The chapter is about the study of automated systems. These systems are studied using quizzes, videos, etc... Video conferences are done in half groups in order to encourage students to speak and to gain dynamism.
The students send their work in advance and the teacher corrects a copy live with the other students. 
The purpose is to encourage them to participate through collective and active correction.
Find here the work document, the correction video and the online exercises: 

Doc travai 3e.PNG
test 3e.PNG


Music in 4ème and 3ème

May 19, 2020


The students in 4ème are currently working on street music. After several targeted listening sessions, they were able to understand that Rap is a poetic and committed musical genre and that the city can be a source of artistic inspiration. 

Some examples of listening material: 
- Joey Starr, "Métèque", 2006:
- Mc Solaar, "Caroline", 1991:
- Medina, "Nour, Child of Destiny", 2017:

Regarding the practical part of this subject, they have to make a personal creation by composing a text on a precise theme defined by a title whose structure follows the conventions of this style.

The students of 3ème work with their teacher on a subject " humor and music ", after several listenings and the realization of the student sheet, the teacher asked them to realize a performance on stage, they had to parody an existing music, the result had to be comical.


Click on the links below to discover the creations of some students !

EPS (Physical and Sports Education)

Let's move !

May 18, 2020


Physical activity is important, even more so in times of confinement. At the beginning of confinement, the middle school classes practiced dance on different themes (confinement, storm, animals, and then Hip-hop and disco techniques). The students each produced 1-minute videos that they then sent to their teacher. 
Today, the students can choose one or more activities from a list of 16 activities that they will practice twice a week (respecting the sanitary rules of confinement), tutorial videos are available for each activity and a training sheet is to be completed weekly.
Find the complete list of activities here :


PRIO (orientation and information) :

Support for the preparation for departing future graduate students

May 15, 2020


The students in their final year at the LFM are preparing to become students, but as the vast majority of them grew up outside France, they know very little about the French system. In order to get them to question themselves on issues as diverse as the health care system or the price of public transport, they took part in an online questionnaire presented as a game. Then, of course, they exchanged views with Ms. Audiger (PRIO representative) during a videoconference to answer their many questions.
For the survey : click here  

You can also access the ONISEP portal via the easidoc website : click here


Sequence elements on " Beauty according to Kant "

May 14, 2020


In philosophy, students work on the concept of "Beauty" in art, as part of the chapter on culture. The famous philosopher Emmanuel Kant states that, despite the saying "all tastes are in nature", certain works appeal to the greatest number of people, so they are really beautiful because they are beautiful in a universal way (for example: The Mona Lisa). We therefore questioned this starting postulate through an experiment within the class: each student suggested a piece of music they liked (Playlist on Youtube), then they voted for the pieces that in their opinion could be considered beautiful (poll) and they finally analysed the results, with their teacher, to validate or not Kant's thesis (exercise in the form of an online questionnaire). Afterwards, in order to check that the essential notion is well understood, the students did an exercise created online to associate the concept with its different meanings. Click on the following link to view the exercise:

Click on the following link to listen to the playlist created by the students on YouTube: 
Find here the theoretical feedback with the analysis of the survey and the questionnaire of critical reflection of the Kantian thesis:




5eB: literary comprehension of texts from "Lord of the Rings"

May 13, 2020


The class is divided into 2 groups, "Lancelot" and "Perceval", to follow videoconferences scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and sometimes Wednesday. In the current sequence, the pupils worked on their literary comprehension skills through guided questions on texts from J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings", but also on their writing skills as they had to write a small synthesis after studying each extract.
The film workshop allowed them to compare the texts they had worked on with the corresponding excerpts from Peter JACKSON's films and to reflect on the question of text-image adaptation.
The evaluation of this predominantly literary sequence was carried out in two stages: first with a distance essay, written in 2 hours by the students and submitted to "TEAMS"; then with an oral evaluation of 10 minutes per student, organised by videoconference and accompanied by written assessment questions.
Find here an example of a studied text:


image fr.jpg

Social and Economic Science

Lesson on "The history of striking in France":

May 12, 2020


Ms. Lucie Audiger used a documentary published by Le Monde on the history of striking in France. The students then completed an online questionnaire to test their understanding. This exercise was done as part of the chapter on social relations in the company. 
Find here the video and the quiz : 


SES le monde.PNG
SES quiz.PNG

Digital and Technological Sciences

Example of SNT in 2nd 

May 11, 2020


A sequence during SNT is composed of different materials (video, questionnaire, link to databases) that students must complete and send to their teacher. The first example deals with the environmental consequences and global energy consumption of digital data and their storage.

For the second example the sequence allows the notion of datavisualization to be addressed using software (Google Trends) which is a tool for visualizing data on a search history at different times and places. The aim is for students to look for current trends or interesting relationships between several trends and try to understand their evolution.


Find the lessons here : 





The present tense of the indicative in its regular and irregular forms

May 8, 2020


The objective of this lesson is to use the present tense of the indicative in its regular and irregular forms from an interactive video "La Fuente de los deseos". Students intervene on the video and carry out several successive activities as the animated film unfolds.

Click on the image for the complete lesson :




Primary : CP-CE2 B

Distance learning in elementary school, an example with the CP-CE2 B class

May 7, 2020


Mr. Yohan Sery, teacher of CP-CE2 B organizes with his class a two-step teaching for each level.
First, the work to be done is sent daily through a padlet where he proposes videos he builds, lesson sheets and exercises to be done. Find an example of a video by clicking on the image.








To complete the lesson, the students also participate daily in a videoconference teaching for which Mr. Sery uses Openboard software, which allows him to manipulate the lesson directly on the board as if the students were in class. 
In order to keep the group spirit and cohesion of the class, every Wednesday he organizes a videoconference with both levels so that everyone can see each other.


Life and Earth Sciences

SVT in collège
May 6, 2020


5ème: Online interactive lesson on biodiversity. 
Ms. Querné, SVT teacher, uses the online software Génially associated with synthesis exos on LearningApps for the lesson "What is biodiversity? At what scales can we see them? "In this lesson, students will travel to the Philippines to discover its biodiversity.
The Philippines has a very rich biodiversity. The country is considered a "biodiversity hotspot" because of its geographical isolation, diverse habitats and endemic species. It ranks fifth in the world in terms of the number of plant species. 
Click on the image for the full lesson: 








A city biodiversity competition is also in progress: the students take photos of the different species they see from their balcony, identify them and then post them on a padlet shared with everyone. 


In 3ème : 
For the 3ème Mme Querné uses interactive application exercises to revise the lessons. In the example below you will discover a video containing an exercise to review the lesson "La Mitose". The objective is to check whether the students have understood how genetic information is distributed between the different stages of cell division. Here is the explanation video: click here

Each student also prepares a one-minute oral response on what they have learned from the lesson. Find here a student's explanation of cell division : click here 




Filipino History

Filipino History Lesson: "Thomasites in the Phillipines"

May 5, 2020


The Thomasites were American teachers sent to the Philippines by the American government.  
In July 1901, three years after the Battle of Manila Bay and only four months after the capture of rebellious Leader Emilio Aguinaldo, the Army transport ship “Thomas” sailed from San Francisco to the Philippines with some 600 U. S. schoolteachers, 170 of them women.
Find the complete lesson here !


histoire philippine.PNG


Music in 6ème and 5ème :

May 4, 2020


In 6ème, the work focuses on stage music (opera, ballet, musical...). Throughout the theory phase, students will watch targeted videos that they will study. Then they will answer the questions required by the teacher. Once they have studied and confronted several examples based on individual research, they complete a student sheet that allows them to summarize the subject and be evaluated. 

Here are some examples:

The 5ème students are currently working on the problematic: How can music enhance and dynamise an image? They are trying to answer this question by studying the relationship between an image and the music that accompanies it, particularly in the field of advertising.
For example:

Students will also understand that some music is written, designed especially for an advertisement (= original music that boosts the image and reinforces the characteristics of the product).



Some examples of tools used for mathematics

April 30, 2020


Video clips from the Maths and Ticks website ( are used to introduce a concept or consolidate skills. Classes are also built in videoconference (on Teams) using a digital workbook (Teams Classnotebook).
Afterwards, a multiple-choice quiz on Pronote and/or an online exercise machine (Labomep: are used to work on the automatisms and to obtain feedback. 
Finally, assessments on Microsoft Teams in the form of Questionnaire (Forms) or text document (Word, OneNote) can be annotated, commented and evaluated by a mark or by competence.

Finally, find here for "DNL Maths in English", the questionnaire on probabilities in Terminale (very funny it seems...) 

DNL math in english.PNG


Develop a variety of tools to achieve the objectives

April 29, 2020


The materials used include a variety of elements: written explanations with video (if available), lots of pictures (especially for middle school students), short texts, humor, "conversation" in the written lesson (as if the teacher were talking to the students) and rhetorical questions (critical analysis). In 1ères Spécialité, we include information about the Russian revolution (video or online magazine article) to "break" the monotony of reading long explanations.  


The objective is for students to vary the final productions: classical writing, videos, posters, mind maps, comics, story writing using a website for interactive lessons and interviews with family members to complete a specific task.


Click on the images below to see the examples of the first names and turtle lessons !


Anglais tortue.PNG


Video civilization program in Ancient Languages and Cultures 

April 28, 2020


During this period of confinement, the 36 Latinist students in 5e, 4e and 3e of the LFM pursued their civilization program in Ancient Languages and Cultures in a play-oriented manner.
They had to choose a subject from the private or public life of the Ancients and then present it in the form of a short video to their classmates and teacher.
Alone or in "virtual pairs", the schoolchildren showed great creativity! After a first selection, their short films were submitted to the votes of the three classes, which were able to elect their 3 favourite videos according to the following categories: the "Lauriers d'or", the "Lauriers d'argent" and the "Lauriers de bronze". 


Here are the results of the vote: 


  • LAURIERS D'OR : Rose (5e), "Les vacances romaines"   / Capucine et Marie (4e), "L'hygiène sous l'Antiquité"

  • LAURIERS D'ARGENT : Andrea (5e), "Les Saturnales"

  • LAURIERS DE BRONZE : Divine (5e), "Les gourmandises à la Hubelius"

  • LAURIERS DE FER : Seif (5e), "L'école des Romains"


  • PRIX DU JURY : Mathias (4e), "Les vacances de Caïus"

Congratulations to all for their talent and creativity!


Here are some examples of videos

VIDEO 1 : Rose on "Roman Holidays"

VIDEO 2 : Andrea, on "The Saturnalia"

VIDEO 3 : Mathias, "The Holidays of Caïus"



Creation of a company for monitoring robots

April 27, 2020


The 5ème students of the Lycée Français de Manille are currently working on the creation of a company creating robots for monitoring premises. The course sheet describes for the student the steps to follow.
They had to imagine and model in 3D the emblem of their company using the online software " Tinkercad ".  

They are currently working on the "Advertising Poster" part and using the " Sumopaint " and " Canva " online applications. Click on the image below to see an example of work done by one of the students, the video illustrates a sequence of a lesson.
They will then move on to online virtual programming of robots with the Miranda application :


Image video.PNG

Social and Economic Sciences

Video : correction of the chapter "European Monetary Integration".

April 24 2020


Ms. Lucie Audiger, a teacher of Social and Economic Sciences at the Lycée Français de Manila uses the screen-o-matic software to remediate points that were not understood by the students based on their answers. The sequence focuses on the theme of European monetary integration in the final year of high school.

Discover the video below. Have a nice viewing!

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