Center of Documentation and Information (CDI)
The CDI of the Lycée français de Manille, located in the Eurocampus Library Manila, is a space dedicated to information, reflection, culture and education.
The objectives of the library :
To promote independence, develop initiative, diversify methods and techniques of documentary research and encourage the pleasure of reading.
These objectives can only be achieved with the full and complete cooperation of all!
The LFM CDI is open to all: students, teachers, administrative staff and parents.
All books must be presented to the person in charge of the CDI before each loan. Each user has the right to borrow a maximum of three (3) works simultaneously.
Duration of the loan :
PRINTED books :
Romans, documentaries, albums… 21 days
Periodicals, Magazines... the last ones will be for consultation on site. For the other issues, 2 days.
Multimedia material (audio books, CDs, DVDs, etc.) can be borrowed for a period of 4 days.
For primary school, DVD loans can only be made on Fridays and must be returned on Monday morning.
Elementary school students can borrow and return documents during breaks, their class visit or after school.
The borrowed works must be deposited in a locker placed for this purpose at the entrance of the CDI. In order to extend the life of the books, please handle them with care!
In case of loss or theft, please inform the person in charge of the CDI as soon as possible. Any replacement costs will be established and invoiced to the user concerned by the accounting department. The replacement of lost or damaged structures will be considered on a case-by-case basis and is not automatic.
We welcome you from Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
The CDI catalogue is freely accessible online with E-Sidoc
With E-sidoc, you can access your child's registered account to book a book, check outstanding loans or delays.
Please contact us by email so that we can provide you with the identifiers
We remind you that you too can borrow documents, books, DVDs from the CDI.
For that, do not hesitate to come and register!