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1. The daycare service is open from 2 p.m. to 5:25 p.m. for Primary students. An entrance fee of 1000 pesos is requested from families when its use is more than 3 times during the year.


  • For parents who wish to use it weekly, the registration form must be completed and sent to for year-round registration.

  • The primary service and bus services must be informed of your child's weekly slot, please specify whether your child leaves at 3:30 or 5:30 p.m. with the buses or with you when you arrive.

  • If you need to leave your child at daycare, an email must arrive before 1 p.m. so that we can keep the student.


2. If a teacher is absent between 2 and 3:30 p.m., students can stay in the daycare center at no extra charge.


3. Students in primary in the school premises 2pm to 5:30 p.m. without educational or sports activities are taken into daycare center.


4. Pupil pick-up: on arrival, please go and inform the reception so that we can accompany your child to the entrance.


5. As soon as we know what time the student is due to leave, the daycare supervisor escorts the students back to the school entrance at . for the first period and at . for the second.

If, exceptionally, a parent needs to pick up his or her child outside of these times, he or she should ask the receptionist who will contact the person in charge

In all cases, the child is accompanied to the entrance of the school by an adult from the LFM.

In all cases, the person identified on the registration form to pick up the child waits at the entrance of the school.

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