Prevention - Security
The safety of your children attending Eurocampus is a major challenge for us. It involves all campus staff on a daily basis.
Several major natural hazards exist in the Philippines.
The assessment of risk situations is carried out by each municipality, which has a surveillance office that informs residents of the measures taken. The LFM must comply with the decisions taken by the Mayor of Parañaque and his teams, since private schools are also included in the decisions. In each case, the French Embassy is informed of the situation.
To keep the public informed, the mayor's office has a Facebook account, "Paranaque City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office".
These decisions can be late, if so, we only learn of them early in the morning. We will then immediately send you a message by e-mail and SMS. The bus companies are informed and take the students back home.
Several risks are taken into consideration by the mayor: flooding due to typhoons or heavy rains, atmospheric pollution from various sources, including the volcanic eruption of Taal, an explosive volcano located 50 km from Manila.
When the school can't accommodate students, teachers use a variety of tools to communicate with their students and ensure continuity of teaching. These tools are adapted to each age group.
Teachers can communicate with their students and parents in a variety of ways.
To communicate, teachers can :
send an e-mail from Pronote or via their Outlook account ;
use PRONOTE's discussion module,
Fill in the content of the planned session from the textbook;
All students and parents have a PRONOTE account.
All students have a Microsoft 365 account (mailbox username, password on first connection is Temp2014) and therefore they have access to Microsoft tools, including TEAMS. At the start of the school year, the main teacher provided the students with their e-mail addresses and access to the computer network. Middle and high school students have already used teams with their teachers.
Below, you'll find the procedure we implement according to the risks and times of alert.
Procedures according to the nature of the release and the time of receipt
The school complies with the Parañaque mayor's guidelines for private schools.
Alert received before class.
As soon as we are aware of the mayor's decision, we will send you an e-mail and a text message. The bus companies are also informed.
If the information arrives the day before classes, online class begins at 7:30 am.
If the information arrives in the morning, online class begins at 8:30 a.m., and the content of the 7:30 a.m. lesson for middle and high school classes is entered into the Pronote textbook.
At secondary level, students follow the work instructions given on PRONOTE by their teachers, with or without access to videoconferencing. Pupils pace their working day according to their timetable. Videoconferences may or may not be held at the start of each session. No one-hour session can be totally on videoconference, for health reasons and to allow students time for personal work.
In primary schools, each teacher organizes the working day according to the age of the pupils and the educational objectives set for each session.
Alert received during the school day:
As soon as we receive the mayor’s decision, we organize the appropriate response to the situation, informing families and mobilizing school transport.
Early departure for students
Sheltering in the 3 students shelter zones (Maternelle, Auditorium, adjoining rooms C 212 to 206) managed by zone referents before the return home.
To keep you informed of risks:
Parañaque Town Hall Facebook account
Climate data
Volcanic and seismic data and its application: Volcano PH info
Air Pollution Monitoring Protocol:
The Lycée Français de Manille has installed an IQAIR sensor to monitor the air quality on campus in real-time. A protocol, based on the one implemented in Hanoi, has been developed and will be reviewed at the next Health and Safety Committee (CHS) meeting.
To track real-time data, we encourage you to download the AirVisual app on your smartphone, which will provide access to air quality indicators recorded at the LFM.
Click here to view the applied protocol.
Precautions to take in case of volcano fog: