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In order to promote a healthy and safe environment for students and staff alike, Eurocampus has an infirmary. 


The main purpose of the infirmary is to improve the health of the school community.


Automated external defibrillators, first aid kits, oxygen, nebulizers, wheelchairs and stretchers are available for optimal care in an emergency.


The school clinic aims to develop the mental, emotional and physical well-being of students by providing the following services:


- Review students' medical history and medical records.
- Record the students' visit to the school clinic
- Keep appropriate supplies to deal with minor illnesses, injuries and emergency care.
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
- Health care advice to students, their families and staff, providing information as needed.
- Identify health problems by observing and assessing needs and providing appropriate care.
- Administration of medication as needed and with the agreement of the parents.
- Respond to emergencies and be available during sports and other events, upon request.
- Give lectures to students on the requested topics and offer training/seminar to staff on basic treatment and first aid.
- Promote and assist in the control of communicable diseases through early symptom detection, surveillance, reporting and monitoring of communicable diseases.


The infirmary consists of two nurses. It is open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

In case of emergency or illness, nurses provide immediate first aid and provide parents with a provisional diagnosis. It is always recommended to go to the nearest hospital for further assessment and treatment.


In the event of a serious problem, the child is evacuated to a hospital near the Lycée in the presence of an adult and the parents are immediately informed.

Health and diseases



As a reminder, a child cannot come to school under the following conditions:


Fever: if your child has a temperature above 37.5°C (taken under the arm without taking paracetamol-type medication), he or she must stay home at least 24 hours after the temperature has normalized (without antipyretic treatment).

Attention, the temperature reading by axillary (under the arm) or buccal way requires a temperature increase of 0.5C°.


Conjunctivitis: If your child has red eyes with itching and/or purulent discharge, you should consult your doctor before sending him/her to school.

Rash: If your child has a rash with an unknown cause or that may be related to a contagious disease, check with your doctor before sending your child to school.

Severe cold: If your child has a "big cold" with runny nose with headaches, nausea or severe coughing, he or she should stay home.

Sore throat: in case of a mild sore throat with no other signs, the child can come to school. If the sore throat is persistent and accompanied by white or red spots on the back of the throat, or if it is accompanied by a fever, you should consult your doctor.

In case of "yorenkin" (streptococcal infection), please notify the infirmary.

Diarrhea and/or vomiting within 24 hours: The child must stay home at least 24 hours after the last episode.


Important information : 

The family of a child suffering from a recognized contagious disease is required to immediately inform the institution!


A medical certificate indicating the date of resumption will systematically be required before returning to the Lycée.


Finally, teachers are not authorized to administer medication.

Seasonal flu

Seasonal influenza is an acute viral infection caused by an influenza virus. There are three types of seasonal influenza A, B and C. Influenza does not usually have serious health consequences, but it can cause significant complications when it occurs in people with poor health (young children, the elderly, pregnant women from the 4th month of life and people undergoing treatment that weakens immunity).
Contamination is carried out by airborne and manual means.

The symptoms: 

  • They appear for 3 to 7 days:

  • generalized muscle aches and pains

  • tiredness

  • headaches

  • sore throat

  • sneezes

  • fever up to 40°C

with children under 5 and over 65 years of age it is possible that the fever is lower.

Strengthening immunity through vaccination,

  • Frequent hand washing.

  • Wear a mask when contaminated.

  • In order to avoid any outbreak, it is common practice to avoid going back to school if your child shows signs of illness.

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