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Staff with status of "détaché"

The recruitment campaign for the teachers under status of "détaché" for school year 2023-2024 is now open, as part of the AEFE's and the school policy of professional equality between men and women.


You can access procedures and recruitment calendar by clicking on this link (click here)

In addition, you can acces the Frequently asked questions


Submit your application by February 12, 2023 the latest


​To apply: 

Send the here under AEFE document to the school, in addition to other documents listed in the job description


Applications should be sent via e-mail only to:

Each applicant will receive an acknowledgment of receipt.

Applicants should take care of sending only PDF files with good quality of the scanned documents. When sending the application, thanks for precising the subject of the mail, writting :  « Candidature contrat détaché and the teaching subject » (files should be named : name first name and the title of the attachment)


NOTA : Each applicant is responsible for sending complete files. Due to high number of applications, our HR will not send any reminder mails in case some attachment are missing.


Applications will be considered invalid in the following circumstances:

  • applications sent after the deadline or incomplete with regard to the required documents

  • applications from non French government employee

  • application from a teacher applying for a subject other than the one for which he or she is certified

  • application of a person who does not meet the conditions required by his or her original administration to benefit from a secondment (in particular, a teacher who is in the process of being seconded or whose request for secondment has been transmitted to the MENJS - except in the case of spouse accompaniment )

  • application of a French government employee who does not belong to primary or secondary school teacher group


Calendrar :

Commissions Consultatives Paritaires Centrales (CCPC) for recruitment will take place on March 6 and 7, 2023

Job offers will be sent based on confirmation of vacant position and of ranking done during CCPC meetings.


Only first ranked applicants will be informed of their ranking.


Selected applicant will have 48 hours to accept the position, sending back the signed job offer.

  • In case he/she declines or do not answer in due time, the headmaster will contact next applicant who will have to decide within 24 hours after receivng the job offer.

    Once a candidate accepted a job offer, he/she fills in proper documents (job offer and request for secondment) and cannot accept any other offer.


  • The accepted job offer and the request for secondment forms are sent to AEFE HR organisation who validates the selected applicant and send to MENJS the request of the teacher to be seconded to AEFE;


Recruitment process is over only when secondment is granted and contract signed by both parties.


Conditions to enter the Philippines: 


  • Based on local regulation, a non-married partner cannot benefit from the visa of the recruited teacher and will be considered as a tourist. This may have an impact depending on evolution of requirements to enter the country




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