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L'actualité du LFM !

Our latest news !

On Tuesday, May 18, the Director of the AEFE, Mr. Olivier Brochet, honored us with his virtual visit to our school. During his visit, Mr. Brochet was able to meet and interacted with all the representatives of the management team, the students, the parents, the staff and the Management Committee.

The visit ended with a meeting with the Ambassador of the Philippines and the Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action.

The objective of this meeting was to meet the entire school community of the LFM, to listen to their difficulties, to make proposals and to support them in these trying times. The visit highlighted the strong commitment of the AEFE and all its services to support the Lycée Français de Manille.


Recently, the LFM has proposed a range of extra-curricular activities for these students via the Teams platform.

In small groups of 5 to 10 students maximum, the proposed activities were:

  • ballet

  • arts and crafts

  • physical activities

  • singing

  • hip-hop dance

The results after one week of experimentation are very positive! Some of the activities have been very successful. A total of 26 registrations have been recorded to date. This is a good start! We are working on improving the planning of the activities so that at the beginning of the next school year, they will be fully operational and will take place in the best possible conditions.

  • Writer's pictureLFM

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

From April 26 to May 3, 2021, LFM students were invited to participate in a large art contest on the theme of "Keeping on Course" (the theme of this year's Yearbook). We received no less than 40 creations. It was not easy for the jury to choose the winner.

Congratulations to Héléna Dubois from the 4th grade who won first place!

You can check out below her work as well as those of the finalists.

Our students have talent!

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