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L'actualité du LFM !

Our latest news !

  • Writer's pictureLFM

From April 19 to 25, 2021, the LFM organized a great poem contest on the theme of boats and the sea for all LFM students, from TPS to Terminale.

Congratulations to Elisa Smith from the Grande Section class, our contest winner!

You can see her beautiful creation below.

  • Writer's pictureLFM

This month, the students of TPS-PS-MS realized a class project on the theme of Farm Animals.

To do this, the children studied several animals dressed in funny clothes made by an American artist: Karla Gérard.

They discovered the richness of the different colorful graphics of her animals: circles, lines, dashes, dots, waves, spirals, bridges... Guided by their teacher, the students then created their own "Blooming Cow" as inspired by the artist's techniques.

Congratulations to all the students for their beautiful creations!

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