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L'actualité du LFM !

Our latest news !

From 09/10/2023 to 10/10/2023, the field trip to Mont Purro Nature Reserve was an exceptional experience for our sutdents of 3ème, 2de, 1re and Terminale. Not only did it strengthen bonds within the ''Lycée Building community'', but it also offered a unique opportunity to learn and grow in a magnificent natural environment. The precious memories created during this day will remain engraved in the minds of the students, reminding them of the importance of getting off the beaten track to recharge one's batteries and forge one's character! Campfire and "werewolf" evening at 68!

Thanks to Bastien a student in Terminale for the photos and video editing!

  • Writer's pictureLFM

A week before, our primary school students worked with their German schoolmates (GESM) to prepare for the festivities: creating Halloween decorations using recycled materials.

On Friday, October 20, before the holiday break, we celebrated Halloween, a spooky, fun and activity-packed day for the primary school! Trick or treat!

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As part of the European Sustainable Development Week, this Life and Earth Science and Arts project was carried out by students in seconde and cinquième. How can we raise awareness of scientific concepts such as ecosystems, food chains, reproduction and the disappearance of species? How can we show the snowball effect of micropollutants, which ultimately also have an impact on humans? Answer: with a representation of the seabed overflowing with garbage that frustrates and immediately prompts the public to take action: "Collect, clean up, recycle, to unveil a magnificent work of art", a beautiful allegory of our duty towards nature!

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