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L'actualité du LFM !

Our latest news !

  • Writer's pictureLFM

Thank you all for coming in such large numbers to our National Sports Day, we hope you enjoyed the LFM activities with your children!

The event was an opportunity for our student to explore new activities offered with the co-curricular program.

In the morning, primary school pupils (GS-CM2) discovered 5 co-curricular activities:

  • Rock climbing

  • Taekwondo

  • Judo

  • Kali Arnis Escrima

  • World dance

The afternoon was aimed at secondary school students, with 7 stands on offer:

  • Soccer

  • Basketball

  • Touch'rugby

  • Judo

  • Taekwondo

  • World dance

  • Kali Arnis Escrima

Many thanks to the organizers, coaches and teachers for a successful day.

  • Writer's pictureLFM

Yesterday, Tuesday September 5, the new school year began at LFM in the presence of Madame Marie Fontanel, Ambassador of the French Republic to the Philippines.

The principal, Madame Baud, the elementary school principal, Mr Bruno, the principal educational advisor, Mr Besombe, and all the members of our educational community welcomed over 300 students and their parents!

Families had the opportunity to accompany their primary school children into the classrooms on this first, very special day!

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